Thursday, March 29, 2007


Happy? Sad? Anger? Love? Disappointment? Jealousy? Has anyone besides me feel all these emotions altogether at the same time? How does it feel to you? It totally makes me feeling that I'm going to break soon in the end. Now I know what Hermione means when she comment about what Cho's feelings... And I totally agree with what Ron said, you'll explode if you feel so many emotions at the same time. Now I really feel like I'm a ticking time-bomb. Going to explode sooner or later. Rather proud of myself for being able to suppress my feelings for this long. Though occasionally it's too much to suppress that it led me to depression. And now the stupid program I'm supposed to develop isn't working as it shud. And I have no idea at all what's wrong with it. Stupid damn program.


Sometimes I feel that I'm not taking the right course. I enjoy arts module more than what I'm currently doing. All the profs in engine, ok, most of them anyway, are damn boring. the only module I've truly enjoyed is econs last sem. And I seem to be more attracted to the arts module more, like english literature. But part of me do enjoy the subjects I'm studying now, though not the lectures though. What the hell am I talking about here? I'm contradicting what I'm saying even now... damn confused. Hate physics lectures, but find that physics is quite interesting. It's so hard to find a lecturer that can capture your attention, and not only capture your attention (ok, the new MLE lecturer does capture my attention, guilty as charged), but also to be able to understand what the lecturer's talking about. So far, only prof Dipti and Mr Roland, both lecturers from last sem, managed to capture my attention, and not only that, they managed to teach me what I'm supposed to learn.


Disappointed over some of the choir members... There are only 3 T1s, and seem like all 3 of us are not brave enough to sing out our parts. Feel really stressed out really when Adyll scold us for being too soft... I know though that he's not scolding us becoz he hates us, but just wants us to improve for the upcoming competition... Want to do my best, but I dun have enough time to practice with all the workload piling up here. Promise to practice more after the exams during the holiday. So so want the holiday to come faster. I can have fun all day long without having to think of lectures or tutorials or classes or whatever. Will miss my friends though since I'll be coming back to pgp in June for choir practices. The others won't be back yet... Wonder what to do during those free times... most of those who'll be here are attached, and most probably will be spending time with their sweetheart when they're free... Nyaaaaaa.............. why can't I just teleport? Then I can stay at home and teleport back for choir practices. That way I'll get to be with the ones I love the most.


Should probably get my butt back to my room now and sleep. Laters...

p/s: dun come to near me in case I explode and blow everything within 500 meters radius from me to smithereens.


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