Thursday, May 7, 2009


The VIP application form seriously needs a heading to say "every field must be filled in and none left empty", rather than put a * beside a few columns and say only those are the required field. Stupid system wasted my whole morning trying to figure out what's wrong. It gave me an error saying mentor and e-mail field must be filled in while in fact it is already filled in. And on the date it says I need 12 weeks for VIP, and yeah the dates I put in is exactly 12 weeks. The field I left out was *fax*, which wasn't given to me in the 1st place, had to go to the company website to find out the fax...

And oh, my working hours are from 8.30-6.00... 9 and a half hours... I was expecting 8, but oh well... I guess I'll just be late for choir practices then. and long sleeve shirt for the attire... have to go get a few other than my choir one :P was hoping can wear T-shirts or polo T's like james' one last time :P


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